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Time flies!

Life 32, year 51. Finally, I can find some time and access the SIN to continue writing some of my memories. I can hardly believe, more than one year has passed since the last time! Time really flies. The truth is, nothing special has happened during this last year. In addition, I have had lots of work. Fortunately for me, the official year adopted in the whole Xáng Grouping of Stellar Systems (where I live at present, in Sector 6) has a length similar to that of the year in Mother (a.k.a. Jyna, my earth of origin in the Taurus Grouping, Sector 3), at least when measuring it in local proper time — if one uses pulses of the synchronous galactic system there may appear distortions coming from irregularities in the æther. And I say that such a coincidence is fortunate for me, simply because, thanks to it, I can keep on measuring my lives in years (as I have always done) without the need of further mental calculations. When I arrived here, almost two lives ago, I found it quite shocki...

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